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Milaya(Coming soon)

Spanish (Coming soon)


◇Default voicebank. Can be used with almost any song. A Monopitch, 7-mora VCV.

◇A Power Append voicebank. For use with higher-range. A Monopitch, 7-mora VCV.

◇A Soft Append voicebank. A sweet voice to be used for soft songs.

◇A voicebank for Spanish capabilities. A tri-pitch

◇A modern multipitch voicebank. Includes 6 pitches (G#3, C#4, F4, G4, A4, C5) and three extra folders (edge_連続音(Vocal Fry)/Breaths/Glottals). Can be used for almost any song. A 7-mora VCV voicebank.


Fuyuki is best used in mid to lower-range octaves, anywhere from G3 ~ F4 will sound the best. A g+20~25 flag is needed in order to get his voice, so please don't forget it. I look forward to what you create with him~

Recommended resampler: Moresampler

Recommended Flags: Y0H0B0F1L5

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